
Fighting injustice by funding evidence-driven systemic solutions that are led by the people who are most affected by it.
We believe in fundamental human rights and just societies. Our responsibility is to contribute to their achievement. We recognise the structural flaws in the current system and that these global challenges are urgent and complex. But we are optimists at heart and also see progress and opportunities.
While working with a strategic focus we remain open to change. We always consider the magnitude and neglectedness of the problem as well as tractability of the proposed solution when defining our strategic focus. Our funding is trust-based and flexible. We fund organisations rather than projects and offer support beyond financials (if desired). Our grantees are the experts and we let them do their job instead of keeping them busy with reporting. We can’t create impact without our grantees and also won’t gain a holistic understanding and learn for ourselves. Our trust-based approach and being receptive allows us to change course when needed. Have a look at our selection criteria for further details. Due to limited time resources we don’t accept unsolicited grant proposals.
We support initiatives in low income countries that are locally-led and clearly focus on evidence from the very beginning. The aim is to improve lives through systematic, sustainable and innovative solutions that generate skills, income and access to knowledge and are led by the people most affected by it. Socio-economic security and access to knowledge and education are extremely important in reducing inequality and enabling participation and representation of all in society. There is high need for action, yet many programmes remain ineffective as they are not well linked to local needs and opportunities or based on insufficient evidence. While talent is global there is a strong bias in financial flows, often leading to a vicious circle in which local social entrepreneurs have few opportunities to implement their solutions. It’s now time to change that and make sure that the people most affected by global injustices own their future. Instead of reproducing imbalances that are neither just nor leading to sustainable outcomes.
Our SDG focus:
Azurit Foundation was set up by a small group of like-minded people. Our advisory board is responsible for making  the final decision on grants. It also challenges and approves the strategic focus of our organisation.
Through our sister company Kara Impact Ventures, we also cover impact investments that follow a vision that is similar to our philanthropic activities. Our integrated approach to philanthropy and investments allows us to develop the best tailored financing solutions.
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